Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990


Class teachers: Mr Simmons (Monday, Tuesday) and Mrs Traies (Wednesday - Friday)

Email: tsimmons@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk ttraies@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk 

September 2024-2025

Welcome to Kestrels class page!

 Our PE days in Term 1 are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Homework Project - weekly check ins. Homework Projects will be due in the last week of term. 

Maths Homework - due on Friday

Reading - please have your reading book in school every day.

Spelling tests - Friday

Library Day - Wednesday

Term 6 - Olympics

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 6 Project Letter

Term 6 Project Web

Term 5

This term we have been learning about structures in DT. The children have been building wooden truss bridges and have worked really carefully, when using equipment, to measure and cut the wood. We have also been lucky enough to have a hockey coach this term. The children have really enjoyed these lessons and have been working hard to improve their hockey skills over the term. 

A huge well done to Year 6, who completed their SATs this term. They were so calm and focused and we are all very proud of them! 

Term 5 - Blank Canvas

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 5 Project Letter

Term 5 Project Web

Term 4

This term we have been learning about materials and their properties in Science - we have been conducting experiments to test which materials are soluble. We have also been learning about the United Kingdom; identifying human and physical features. Once again, we are incredibly impressed with the children's homework projects. Well done Year 5/6! Year 6 also enjoyed their residential trip to Skern this term. 

Term 4 - Our Planet

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 4 Project Letter

Term 4 Project Web

Term 3

We have been very busy this term, cracking codes and number number puzzles! We have been learning about great artists such as Andy Warhol and Paul Klee and have created our own masterpieces using a variety of printing techniques. Year 5 enjoyed their residential trip to Kilve this term, where they took part in a range of exciting activities, including abseiling, archery and high ropes. Well done Year 5!

Term 3 - Code Breakers

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 3 Project Letter

Term 3 Project Web

Term 2 

This term we have been busy learning about the Solar System. We were very lucky to have an evening with Bath Astronomers, where we learnt about the constellations in the night sky and even got to see the moon! One of the books we read this term was 'The Giant and the Sea', which inspired us to write our own narratives about global warming. We also took part in a debate about renewable energy sources. 

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 2024!

Term 2 - Our World and Beyond

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 2 Project Letter

Term 2 Project Web

Term 1

What a great start to the new school year! We have been learning all about Ancient Egypt and really enjoyed a trip to Bristol Museum to study artefacts from Ancient Egypt. We had some incredible homework projects this term - including models of Tutankhamun's tomb, amazing artwork, Lego displays, detailed slideshow presentations and even a pyramid cake! Well done to all the children for their hard work. We can’t wait to see what you come up with next term!

Term 1 - Time Travellers

Please click on the link here for the Homework Project

Term 1 Project Letter

Term 1 Project Web