Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990

Mass and other special events (2023-24)


We are so lucky to be situated right next door to St. Alphege's Church and are very grateful to Father Alex for allowing us to join him and the parishioners for Mass throughout the year.

We have a rolling programme of each class in the school attending Mass on a Tuesday across the year.  We have whole school Mass on the following dates, which parents are welcome to attend. All Masses at 10 am in St Alphege's Church:

Welcome Back Mass


Thursday 14th September


All Saints Mass


Wednesday 1st November


Reconciliation Service

Thursday 3oth November


Advent/Christmas Mass


Thursday 14th December


Ascension Day Mass


Thursday 9th May 


End of Year Mass


Thursday 18th July


In addition to this:  Year 6 will attend Clifton Cathedral for their special leavers' Mass in June and First Holy Communion Masses will be held in parishes. 

Other special events

In addition to Mass we have held a number of special services in the school this year including:

Praying the Rosary in October with other Camino Schools

Harvest Festival

Remembrance Day

Christingle Service


House Saints' Feast Days 2023

We mark each Feast Day for our House Saints see our Saints Page for more information.

Saint Day Date House Colour
St. David Friday 1 March Wales Yellow
St. Patrick Sunday 17 March (celebrated 18 Mar in school) Northern Ireland Green
St. George Tuesday 23 April  England Red 
St. Andrew Thursday 30 November Scotland Blue