Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990

Religious Education

Subject Leader - Mrs Catharine Young

Link Governor - Mr Patrick Weaver

Curriculum Intent

Through our RE teaching at St. John's, we aim to:

  • To create a non-judgemental environment where children can explore and develop the concept of, and their relationship with, God.
  • To form and develop an independent mind in relation to moral and social issues.
  • To encourage self-reliance, self –discipline and self-respect.
  • To have respect of ways of life, opinions and ideas different from one’s own, including other cultures and religions.
  • To relate all the above to the Catholic ethos of the school, home and parish community.

Religious Education Curriculum

It is the policy of Bishop Bosco of the Diocese of Clifton that the whole curriculum is designed to enable pupils to grow in every way to Christian maturity. We use Diocesan planning to support the delivery of the curriculum. 

 The overall aim of our work is to lead each child to form a strong relationship with God through the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. We meet together as a whole school once a week, with Class Assemblies, Key Stage Assemblies and Hymn Practice being held on the other days. For more detail on this, see our RE policy in the policy section of the website.

The new Religious Education Directory (RED) will be fully in place by September 2025. We are starting the new curriculum this September and will be following the diocesan implementation plan below:

  September 2023 - EYFS and Year 3(4)

  September 2024 - Years 1(2) and 4(3) 

  September 2025 - Years 2(1) and 5(6)

We will follow the curriculum on a two year rolling programme in line with other core subjects at the school. 

The new RED can be found in full here.

Relationships and Sex Education

The program we use for Relationship and Sex Education Programme  is a scheme approved by the Diocese called Life to the Full by Ten:Ten .

You can read our RSE Policy in the policy section of the website.

Curriculum Implementation

As with all subjects, we work on a two year rolling programme, which ensures children cover all areas of the RE Curriculum across each phase. This is informed by the Diocese's advice and planning for mixed year groups, which sees teaching come fro altered Learning Objectives from alternative year groups to fit each year group in a phase. 

Our RE Curriculum incorporates Other Faith teaching on a termly basis, as well as Diocesan initiatives each year (or as they are rolled out).

RE coverage Year 1 and 2

RE coverage Year 5 and 6 

Camino Partnership

We work closely with the Camino Partnership in all areas of RE and Catholic Life.

Find out more about it here

Knowledge Planners

Knowledge planners by age group can be found below. In RE, we teach a rolling 2-year programme with specially designed outcomes for each year group.

Please note that not every module each term has a knowledge planner.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

Vision and Mission



Prayers, Saints and Feasts 

Prayers, Saints and Feasts 



CAFOD Week Catholic Social Teaching 






Holy Week 



Mary & The Rosary Week 

Pentecost and Mission 


Year 1 Creation

Year 1 P, S & F

Year 1 Advent

Year 1 Revelations Year 1 Lent Year 1 Easter

Year 1 Pentecost

Year 1 Sacraments

Year 2 Creation

Year 2 P, S & F

Year 2 Advent

Year 2 Revelations Year 2 Lent Year 2 Easter

Year 2 Pentecost

Year 2 Sacraments

Year 5 Creation

Year 5 P, S & F

Year 5 Advent

Year 5 Revelations Year 5 Lent Year 5 Easter

Year 5 Pentecost

Year 5 Sacraments

Year 6 Creation

Year 6 P, S & F

Year 6 Advent

Year 6 Revelations Year 6 Lent Year 6 Easter

Year 6 Pentecost

Year 6 Sacraments


Year 3

Creation & Covenant


Year 3 

Prophecy & Promise 

Year 3

Galilee to Jerusalem 

Year 3 

Desert to Garden 

Year 3 

To the Ends of the Earth

Year 3

Dialogue & Encounter