Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


Here at St John’s our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an excellent way to bring together all our parents, teachers and hopefully the local community to raise money to support our school.

If you have a child at St John’s Catholic Primary, you are automatically a member of the PTA and all members have an equal say in all our endeavours.

It is your choice how involved you want to be, and we realise that your time is precious, so any help and support you can give us really is appreciated. You could help in a number of ways:

  • Join our meetings - everyone is welcome. Details of meetings will be put on this page, in our newsletter and via class WhatApp groups.
  • Volunteer to help at our events; look out for the notices around school which advertise forthcoming events or talk to a PTA member. We always need help to ensure our events run smoothly, in turn helping us to raise as much money as possible.
  • Download the Shop and Give App – The Giving Machine! This allows you to shop online and give back to the school at the same time (at no extra cost). It works like a cash back scheme and therefore donations are generated every time you shop from one of the partnered retailers. Please download! 
  • Can’t make an event but still want to help? Talk to one of our members for details on how to make a donation.

 If you are interested in being involved further, please contact Kate Robinson or Kara Dancey. 



Co-Chairs - Kate Robinson and Kara Dancey

Treasurer - Niamh Molloy



PTA Members - Tom Simmons, Kasia Dziurdzikowska, Anna Parker, Rachael Cannon, Lizzie Smart, Dominika Jarocki, Carol Smith, Louise Schlosser, Emma Wilshire, Helen Smith, Lindsey Leonardi, Mel Akland, Iwona Bacon, Aneta Konieczka, Alison Rowsell



EYFS and Key Stage One

Ducklings & Hedgehogs - Mel Ackland

Owls, Kingfishers and Dragonflies - Lindsey Leonardi (Year 1); Sarah Davis (Year 2)

Key Stage Two            

Otters - Emma Wilshire

Badgers - Lisa White

Foxes - Aneta Konieczka

Robins - Anna Parker

Blackbirds - Kate Robinson

Kestrels - Louise Schlosser


For all queries about pre-loved school uniform orders or PTA events please visit our Facebook Page or drop a note in the WHITE PTA letter box. 

Event Calendar

Friday 7th June

Bake sale!

If you are able, please bring baked donations on the day - bought or homemade.

Children will be invited to shop for treats in the afternoon; 50p per cake (2 cake limit). Correct change please.

Due to allergies NO NUTS please. If your child has allergies but would still like to be involved, please send their cakes in a clearly labelled container.

Any left over cakes will be sold in the junior playground after school.


Monday 10th June, 3:15pm

Secondhand uniform sale, junior playground


Monday 17th June, 6:15pm

PTA Meeting - in the staff room

All welcome, we are keen to hear new ideas!


Friday 12th July, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Join us at the PTA Summer fete; stalls, food, great atmosphere and a well stocked bar; it's fun for all the family.


Thursday 18th July, 3:15pm

Krispy Kreme sale - details to follow


PTA News

What a year it’s shaping up to be; we've had several events including our much loved Quiz night, Film night, another family film night and so much more. The ever popular Summer fete will be held on Friday 5th July, details will follow soon. It’s all good fun and it is great to know that all the money we raise goes to supporting our children in their education.

In the last 12 months the monies raised by the PTA has gone towards:

  • Glastonbury Pilgrimage
  • Bronze age day
  • School trips, including the Roman Baths, Steam Museam, Bath City Farm
  • Coaches for school trips
  • Library books
  • Contributions towards the Yr 3 /4 and Yr 5 /6 plays

2023/24 has got off to a great start, since returning in September we have raised approximately £2,400 from events including a fantastic Quiz Night, Christmas events and Film night to name a few.

The PTA have also spent approximately £8,000 contributing to new lunch tables & chairs, forest school equipment, and coaches for visits across all year groups.

The PTA will be now be focusing all fundraising efforts to support the new School Garden Project. We can’t wait to help support creating this new space for the children to enjoy. Look out for the totalizer that will be displayed in reception soon!