Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990


Subject Leader - Mr Graham Harrington

Link Governor - Mrs Catherine Edwards 

Curriculum Intent

“Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe” -Galileo Galilei

Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. We aim to inspire a genuine love of maths and help every child master mathematical concepts.

At St John’s we believe that children should experience consistency in the approach to quality teaching of mathematics as they move through the school so that they:

• build progressively on their existing knowledge and understanding,
• understand the links in their learning,
• fluently recall key number facts,
• express their understanding clearly,
• become confident in their ability to calculate and solve numerical problems independently in line with the expectations of the national curriculum.

You can click here to read the full maths intent statement. 

Curriculum Implementation

Each class, from Years 1 to 6, has a daily maths lesson and a 'Rapid Recall' session to support the children in their mathematical fluency. Maths lessons incorporate whole-class teaching, group activities and individual learning. These sessions are planned carefully by teachers, using Abacus as our core scheme of work, in order to ensure that all children are included and that lessons are varied and challenging. They build on the children's prior learning and create solid foundations for what will come next in their learning. 

In Early Years, maths activities are part of the continuous provision available to all children. Teacher led Maths sessions - based on the Abacus scheme - happen at least three times a week and 'Quick Maths' is undertaken by all children daily. In addition, children complete a focus activity,  either teacher led or in their play with a teacher, once a week.

We use manipulatives (objects which are designed so that a learner can perceive a mathematical concept by manipulating them) throughout the school to enable children to explore mathematical ideas. All children across the school also benefit from the chance to apply their mathematical skills in many other subjects including, science, computing, DT and art. 


The whole school curriculum coverage for mathematics can be found here.  Maths is taught on a 'spiral curriculum'. This means that strands of learning (for example Number and Place Value) are regularly revisited to aid children's recall and builld knowledge and skills progressively each time they revisit an aspect of maths.  

Our Calculation Policy shows you how calculations are taught throughout the school and the key language the children are expected to use at each stage of their learning. It also shows the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Our 'rapid recall' by age group document shows the facts we aspire for each child to be able to recall quickly and with ease by the end of their year group. 

Mathematics has a significant vocabulary content, for more information about the language we use in maths (by age group) click here

In Early Years children: become secure with the concept of number and have a deep understanding of number to 10 including being able to recognise number; they count up to 20 and beyond; compare different quantities; explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds and double facts and begin to explore measurement, shape and time. 

Knowledge Planners

Knowledge planners by age group can be found below. Mixed age maths groups will be taught content from both year groups linked by strand. 

Year 1

Number & Place Value

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division


Length & Height

Position & Direction

Weight and Volume





Year 2

Number & Place Value

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division


Length & Height

Properties of Shape


Mass & Capacity  




Year 3

Number & Place Value

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division


Length & Perimeter

Properties of Shape


Mass & Capacity




Year 4

Number & Place Value

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division



Properties of Shape


Area & Perimeter




Year 5

Number & Place Value

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division



Properties of Shape

Position & Direction

Area & Perimeter

Converting Units

Position & Direction


Year 6

Number & Place Value

Four Operations




Properties of Shape



Converting Units


Perimeter, Area & Volume

Resources for Homework 

All children have a login for Times Table Rock Stars. This is a fun interactive website and app that helps to reinforce rapid recall of multiplication facts, a key building block in mathematical knowledge. We host regular 'rock battles' between classes, award certificates for 'rock status' and have our own 'St. John’s Times Table Rock Star Band'!


Homework is set on the Abacus pupil world and is powered by a website called ActiveLearn. To log into the pupil world, your child will need their login details (given to them by their teacher) which they can then use on www.activelearnprimary.co.uk 

Why not try out some other fun maths games online with your child?

Reception class games

Year 1 and 2 games

Year 3 to 6 games